Lady of the Roses



Lady of the Roses

This 20″ round panel was inspired by Klimt.  It’s a sister panel to Kiss Me in the Roses and The Tree of Life.  The same glasses are used in all three “sisters”.  Lady of the roses holds it’s own uniqueness as the design is completely my own.  She is surrounded by rings of roses, vines and gold irridized glass.  Her hair is flaming when then sun hits it and the piece embodies strength, peace, and beauty.

You’ll find that many of the glasses I used are gold irridized, giving the panel interest in both high and low light.

Patricia Von Niessen
Red Fox Art Glass 2025

Additional information


zinc came

Glass Used:

Bullseye light amber 1437-30
Youghiogheny Dense Beige Opal Stipple Y5002SP
Bullseye dark amber irrrid. 1137-31
Bullseye 1409 light bronze w/gold irrid.
Bullseye mink opal 11930
Youghiogeny Rootbeer/clear/streaky Y802096


20" Circle


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