
(1 customer review)



Kingfishers are known as the “Halcyon” bird.  The title was born in ancient Greek legend as a tender story of love and commitment.  Halcyon was the daughter of the Aeolus (the ruler of the winds), and was married to Ceyx.  Their love for each other was so known that even gods were jealous.  A massive storm drowned Ceyx at sea and Halcyon threw herself into the dark waves.  Amazed by their love and devotion, the gods decided to save them and transform them into kingfishers.  They were granted two weeks of good and calm weather in which Halcyon’s father would keep the winds at bay in order for her to lay her eggs and raise them.  These fourteen days were the seven day before and the seven days after winter solstice.

You can read a more detailed version of the myth HERE.

In the dictionary, “Halcyon” is characterized by happiness, great success and prosperity.  Isn’t this what we all want?  Love, commitment, happiness and success?  Strive for it and it comes back to you tenfold, for what is more important than love, and happiness?

Patricia Von Niessen
Red Fox Art Glass 2022

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18"W X 24"H


Oiled solid walnut

1 review for Halcyon

  1. Bob Waddell

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