The Studio and the Glass
Do you want a sneak peak into the studio? Do you want to know more about the glass I use and how an art glass panel is put together?
My glass companies of choice are Youghiogheny and Bullseye, but I also pull from the Uroboros pallet. These companies only make hand-rolled, hand mixed, artisan glass. They are not mass produced or mass rolled by machines. The glass factories are in Oregon and Pennsylvania.
Youghiogheny is organic. Every piece of glass is different. It makes the most gorgeous sky, leaves, and water. The glass will steal your heart as it changes drastically within the light spectrum.
Bullseye is rich and deep. It carries a “glow” like no other glass. What makes it unique is the use of elements such as cadmium and cobalt to bring out those colors. I use it primarily for focal points and main characters in the panel.
What’s the “fun”, the “sparkle”, the “treat”? It’s those Swarovski crystals and German faceted gems. When the sunlight hits them, prisms will fill your room. I’m also adding elements of nature, such as quartz points and ammonites. Feel free to contact me and make arrangements to see the studio in person. I love working with glass and am always happy to share this space with others.