I Move in Silence

(1 customer review)


I Move in Silence

“I Move in Silence” is a 2025 donation to my Qajaq training camp that brings so much joy, friendship, camaraderie and new skills into my life.  The proceeds from the auction go towards bringing in top notch coaching.

A narwhal tusk is actually a tooth and is normally grown by males. The tusk seems to be used as a tool for sensing changes in the environment, like differences in water temperature, salt level, and the presence of nearby prey. Scientists once thought that narwhal tusks were used for fighting, but narwhals actually rub their horns against each other for cleaning. These tusks, which can grow to a staggering nine feet and aren’t as stiff as they may seem. They’re actually very flexible and can bend up to a foot in either direction.

Folklore surrounding the narwhal is rooted in cultural and natural history. Among the Inuit in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the narwhal was once a woman with long hair that she had twisted and plaited to resemble a tusk. 

Patricia Von Niessen
Red Fox Art Glass 2024



Additional information

Glass Used

Bullseye Peacock Blue B117630
Bullseye blue/grey/white mottle B6218
Youghiogheny vintage white
Bullseye french vanilla white B013730 (?)
Swarovski crystals,


20.5”W x 21”H


Oiled solid walnut

1 review for I Move in Silence

  1. Bob Waddell

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