Lady Slippers

(1 customer review)


Lady Slippers

Seven wild sisters danced in the north woods. Soft and supple, perfumed and pretty, they each march to the tune of a different drummer. The seven girls never could quite agree on anything! As their mother well knew, if the oldest one wanted to sleep, the middle one wanted to play and the youngest wanted to eat. As they grew, it was hard to determine which one was the fairest. All seven were beauties and good, true, tough, ladies of the north. Mother Nature planted her daughters in the wilds and let them go to thrive and spring up in their own favorite niche.

Showy Lady Slippers are rare, and illegal to pick in Michigan, but you can have them always in this beautiful art glass panel. framed in solid walnut. 

Patricia Von Niessen
Red Fox Art Glass 2021

Additional information


31"W X 17"H


Oiled solid walnut

1 review for Lady Slippers

  1. Bob Waddell

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