May Magnolias
May Magnolias shows the delicate nature of the flower and how graceful it is.
Named after a renowned French botanist, Pierre Magnol, who first came up with the ingenious concept of classifying flora into ‘plant families’, the flowering of the magnolia tree has to be one of the most outrageous shows in nature – those fat fists of buds suddenly bursting and producing saucer-sized, chalice-like blooms that have so often stopped me in my tracks to gasp at their audacity.
Originating in both Asia and the Americas, there are around 200 different species, and they’re thought to be one of the most ancient flowering plants, dating back to prehistoric times: as we noted in our first magnolia feature, it’s kind of mind-blowing to realise that dinosaurs could have sniffed their blooms – though not yet been able to daub themselves in the scent, poor things.
Patti Von Niessen
Red Fox Art Glass 2024
Additional information
Glass Used | BE Turquoise blue B111630 |
Dimensions | 24" W x 16.5" H |
Frame | Oiled solid walnut |
Bob Waddell –