The Strawberry Bandit

(1 customer review)


The Strawberry Bandit

“The Strawberry Bandit” was inspired by William Morris’ 1883 textile print.

Just the thought of those sassy bluebirds stealing the best strawberries is enough to to make you smile and appreciate their wiliness.

Bluebirds continue to hold my attention.  The first pair we met in Michigan, continue to return each year in February with last year’s young in tow.  They’re a delight to see; our first glimpse of spring being on the way, and a much better forecaster than a groundhog!

Patricia Von Niessen
Red Fox Art Glass 2023

Additional information


Metal Ring


19"W X 19"H

Glass Used

Background: BE4110F
Leaves: Vintage Kokomo early production (11-22-05)
153 pieces
German faceted gems (13 mm)

1 review for The Strawberry Bandit

  1. Bob Waddell

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