There’s No Fun in Being Too Careful

(1 customer review)


There’s No Fun in Being Too Careful

Too careful?  Never!  Chickadees are a remarkable bird.  They’re tough, resilient, and above all, cheerful.  They stick out the coldest of winters when so many other birds take off for warmer climates.  I’ve yet to hear a chickadee complain.  Listen carefully and you’ll hear them call their flock when they find food to share.  If they trust you enough, you can even hand feed them.  They’re definitely a Forest Warrior, but also a Feeder Flirt.

Just where did the title come from for this art glass panel?  It struck me that there was an old black and white movie entitled “My Little Chickadee” starring Mae West and W.C. Fields.  One of Mae’s famous lines was “There’s no fun in being too careful”.  I thought this quote suited this feisty, feathered trio perfectly.  Can’t you just hear the “dee-dee-dee as they play in the breezes?

I have nature in my soul.
It was gifted to me by thunderstorms and cool breezes on a hot night,
By trees moving in their dance with the wind,
By the peep of frogs by moon and the songs of birds at dawn,
By calm, clear waters broken only by a quiet heron taking flight.
My soul is amongst the trees,
My heart lightened by heavy green.

Patricia Von Niessen
Red Fox Art Glass 2021

Additional information


16"W X 22"H


Oiled solid walnut

1 review for There’s No Fun in Being Too Careful

  1. Bob Waddell

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