Love In The Garden of Secrets

(1 customer review)



Love in the Garden of Secrets

Love in the Garden of Secrets whispers of life, love and secrets.

This beautiful Bird of Paradise hides coyly amongst the heart shaped leaves and red rosebuds in the spring garden.  We know he’s looking for love in all the right places and he’s sure to find it, given the joy that comes just from glancing his way.

Do you notice the background?  That’s Bullseye’s very special “fracture” glass (also known as collage or confetti glass).  This is made by blowing glass to an ultra-thin thickness, then smashing it and scattering it on the metal surface the molten glass will be rolled onto.  The vertical black lines are streamers of black glass, tossed somewhat randomly onto the surface.  Making this glass must be a dance in itself.

Patricia Von Niessen
Red Fox Art Glass – 2022

Additional information


Oiled solid walnut


30"W X 22"H

Glass Used:

BE 2176-30
BE 2164-30
BE 4117-0000 collage
German faceted gems

1 review for Love In The Garden of Secrets

  1. Bob Waddell

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