The Pearl Diver

(1 customer review)


The Pearl Diver

“Ama” are Japanese pearl divers famous for collecting pearls, but traditionally, their main catch is seafood.  The practice of “Ama” is 2000 years old. 

Children begin diving as early as 12 and 13 years old, and continue until well into their 70’s.  

The ama were expected to endure harsh conditions while diving, such as freezing temperatures and great pressures from the depths of the sea. Ama practiced a breathing technique in which the divers would release air in a long whistle once they resurfaced from a dive. This whistling became a defining characteristic of the ama, as this technique is unique to them.

I was inspired to do this piece of glass art when I spotted a particularly beautiful piece of glass.  I saw the glass, and knew exactly what I wanted to make with it.  I wanted to capture the calm of the ocean and the peace of the diver with this very unique background glass.

Patricia Von Niessen
Red Fox Art Glass 2021

Additional information


Oiled solid walnut


21.5"W X 36"H

1 review for The Pearl Diver

  1. Bob Waddell

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